The ultimate Girls Night Out comedy movie, “The Other Woman” stars a powerhouse cast of women led by Cameron Diaz, Leslie Mann, Kate Upton and Nicki Minaj. In the movie, a woman learns that she’s part of a love triangle, so she teams up with the spurned wife in order to exact revenge on the cheating husband. An unlikely friendship is developed between three women to bring down a cheating man, but ultimately become “the weirdest (and best) friends ever.” United by getting even, they ultimately discover it’s not about getting back at the guy - it’s about sticking together, set in the scenic and aspirational backdrop of The Hamptons in New York and Cayman Islands. Dying to get to the bottom of things with their cheating man played by Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, the fashion is an equally to-die-for must haves designed by Patricia Field, one of the world’s foremost costume designers who also dressed the lead stars in “Sex and the City.” “The Other Woman” opens May 7 in theaters from 20 th...