Logline: Who’s zooming who? Director: Pedro Morelli Screenplay: Matt Hansen Stars: Gael García Bernal, Alison Pill, Mariana Ximenes, Jason Priestley, Robert Genre: Romance, Comedy, Animation Synopsis1: A comic book artist, a novelist, and a film director from separate realities write stories about one another. Synopsis2: A multi-dimensional interface between a comic book artist, a novelist, and a film director. Each lives in a separate reality but authors a story about one of the others. Synopsis3: ZOOM is a fast-paced, pop-art inspired, multi-plot contemporary comedy. The film consists of three seemingly separate but ultimately interlinked storylines about a comic book artist, a novelist, and a film director. Each character lives in a separate world but authors a story about the life of another. The comic book artist, Emma, works by day at an artificial love doll factory, and is hoping to undergo a secret cosmetic procedure. Emma’s comic t...