6 tips to keep you protected in your day-to-day life
Being able to defend yourself in any scenario may increase your self-esteem and provide a much-needed sense of security. Even in today’s modern world, we’re still constantly surrounded by dangers and threats to our safety – these can happen to anyone and usually when we least expect it. While we tend to focus on the more obvious or larger-scale threats to our safety, we must not forget the day-to-day dangers that we must continue protecting ourselves from. Being able to protect yourself from looming dangers in any situation can be both a confidence booster and a welcome reassurance to your overall well-being. AXA Philippines, one of the country’s leading insurance providers, suggests these six tips you can practice to help you protect yourself better daily. Be aware of your surroundings. An easy way to avoid potential threats is to be vigilant about your surroundings, for both threats posed by living beings such as criminals or stray animals, or inanimate ones such as haz...