we’re off! Negros Season of Culture takes you on a tour. This March, launches
a series of virtual tours spread throughout 2022. We begin with food. In Bacolod Coffee & Sweets, food and
travel vlogger Debbie Oca stops at seven pastry and coffee shops in the city. This
enterprise, run mostly by millennials (and elder millennials), requires innovation
and daring-do, qualities needed to rebuild communities post-lockdown.
sifted through candidate shops using meaningful criteria. First off, we limited
our picks to local brands. And not just local, but relatively new in the scene.
In fact, our final choices were opened either just before the lockdown or
during the lockdown. This way, the story narrates a continuum of experiences,
from struggle to success, to sustainability. Finally, each pastry and coffee shop
must bring a uniqueness to the table, and indeed, there’s nothing similar
between any two of the seven. No enterprise with foresight can remain generic.
It must be differentiated.
vlog accomplishes a second goal. It also begins a robust and extensive coverage
of food that followers of NSC enjoyed in 2021 and will continue to delight in
in 2022.
“merienda culture” of Filipinos pervades all social classes and eras. And in
Negros where sugar is everyone’s middle name, merienda fare can easily become a
feast. And so, the piaya is just icing on the cake. The breadth and depth of
Negrense delicacies, both sweet and savory, parallels the Negrense’s
imagination to create new ones and tweak the old.
Local manuglibod, Maricar, replenishes her basket daily with an array of native delicacies from Silay Public Market
March we feature the manuglibod, the
traditional itinerant vendor of heritage snacks. In time, her fashion has
evolved, from wearing a patadyong and
kimona, and balancing a round native
tray on her head, to today’s jeans and white cotton shirt, and toting updated bayongs. Because the time calls for it,
our modern manuglibod now wears a
face mask, too. From morning till the last native snack, she moves about,
knocking door-to-door, showing up at the appointed hour, almost without fail.
Butong-Butong is a local candy made from muscovado that is among the many products of Negros Occidental.
what’s a buffet without a take-home? What’s a food edition without a video
instructional to try out? Here’s your takeaway for March. This classic, even
nostalgic Negrense candy is a top seller. The sweet delight takes baby-boomers
back to fun school days with sticky fingers, sticky lips, and sticky school
uniform sleeves. Negros Season of Culture dares all, let’s get cooking with Butong-Butong.
It's a sweet and savoury time as guest vlogger Debbie Oca takes us on a pastry and café crawl across seven new spots in Bacolod.
Food vlogger Debbie Oca shows off surprisingly hearty yet healthy treats at KetoMom, one of seven pastry and coffee shops we visit in our virtual tour, Bacolod Coffee & Sweets.
The phenomenal young-adult tome “The Fault In Our Stars” penned by John Green is brought to life on the big screen produced by blockbuster producer Wyck Godfrey (“Twilight” films) and directed by Josh Boone (“Stuck In Love”). Written for the screen by the creative minds of Scott Neustadter and Michael H. Weber (“500 Days of Summer,” Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”), “The Fault In Our Stars” features two of today’s most followed young actors – Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort as extraordinary teenagers who fatefully meet and takes their love on an unforgettable and exhilarating journey into infinity. Hazel Grace Lancaster (Shailene Woodley) is sixteen years old. She alternately loves and tolerates her sometimes over-doting parents. Hazel has developed a crushon a young man, Gus Waters (Ansel Elgort), who seems equally smitten with her. As they grow closer, Hazel and Gus share their fears that accompany their health issues, as well as their love of books, including Hazel’s touchs...
Last April 27, 2024 Earthday Jam foundation mark its 24th Earthday Jam Outing with an earthshaking after noon. Jam at SM Novaliches on April 27, Saturday from 3pm to 7pm. After the pandemic, the Foundation diversified its Earth day Celebration with other momentous activities like Tree planting. Orphanages and Youth Center tour Art, music and film for Earth campaigns. But due to relentless yearning for the earth Jam community this years celebration will be another music 'jam' supported by the local Government of Quezon City.. EARTHDAY Jam 2024 is ready to face the live scene again! Super Thanks to support of the local Government of Quezon City in association with SM Novaliches with our lifelong partners. First gen Corporation, Lifebank Corporation DENR. Like us on Facebook: EarthdayJamFoundation/ Youtube channel @theofficialearthdayjamchannel. As the day and time come for the day , here's the list of person and singers in alphabetic...
Last Wednesday June 14, 2017 Mr. Youn Soo Kim, President and Inventor of MISSO SO2 seed extractor visit the Philippines with Breville Phils. while boasting that having the seed oils that can now be extracted at home, that can be directly applied in the skin, drinking 2 table spoon per day , and can be directly used as spice for foods and as condiments for every kind of viands we may served. YS Kim had a vision back in 1999, he noticed that most oils in the supermarket are chemically processed. “I came up with the idea of extracting your own oil at home.” Hence, he developed the 100% natural oil extractor which extracts the oil from tiny seeds of chia, flax, evening primrose and other superseeds available in the market. It took him 18 years to develop the s2o wonder extractor and finally last December, it was launched in Korea. During the modern-day era, beauties there were royalties like princess and queens. Nefertiti and Cleopatra, the ancient epitomes of b...
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