PTT launched ‘Gas Up for a Tree’ project



Yesterday I have been in PTT Park and Fly to cover the event which ptt has Gas Up For A Tree, which gives us a chance to help our Mother Nature by planting a tree by  just gas up any Ptt Station Nationwide and you can help the Govt. restore the forest in its current devastated state to a better and resourceful one .

MAKATI CITY, PHILIPPINES May 23, 2013 PTT Philippines Corp. (PTTPC), a subsidiary of Thailand’s biggest oil company, announced today “Gas Up for a Tree”, the company’s environmental protection project.



PTTPC and PTT Philippines Foundation, Inc. (PTTPFI), together with the Department of Natural Resources (DENR), has partnered with National Commission for Indigenous People (NCIP), National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP), Bataan Peninsula State University (BPSU), Mga Bayani ng Kalikasan, Bases Conversion and Development Authority (BCDA), and Wide Out Technology to plant at least 10,000 seedlings of fruit bearing trees, dipteracarps - lawaan, apitong, narra, and other hardwood species in some 50 hectares of denuded land in Sitio Kanawan, Morong, Bataan.


The “Gas Up for a Tree” project will initially reforest 20 hectares of land and seeks to add 30 more hectares after the first phase of implementation. More than 100 Aeta families belonging to Magbukun tribe residing in the community will be provided livelihood in managing the nursery of the seedlings to be planted and take care of the rehabilitation and maintenance of the reforestation site.


Starting May 23, every purchase of P1,000 worth of PTT gasoline and diesel products commits PTT to plant one tree under the motorist’s name. The exact location and growth of the tree may be monitored online with the help of Wide Out, PTT’s technology partner.


PTT said it hopes to generate support and participation from the consumers with the growing need to save the environment. Consumers who will support the program will be invited to join the actual tree planting activity.

The “Gas Up a Tree” project is one of the environmentally focused projects that PTT has initiated in the past years.

To know more about PTT’s "Gas Up for a Tree” project, please visit and like

About PTT

PTT is the largest petroleum company in Thailand engaged in the downstream and upstream petroleum business including petrochemical and fuel trading business. PTT has a ranking of 95 for 2012 in the Fortune Global 500 with revenue of $ 79 Billion. The Fortune Global 500 is the annual ranking of the top 500 corporations worldwide by revenue as compiled and listed by Fortune 500 magazine.

PTT Philippines Corporation (PTTPC) is one of the wholly owned subsidiary companies in the Philippines of PTT. PTTPC is tasked to supply and distribute various petroleum and lubricants products in the Philippine domestic market and have various retail gasoline stations in Metro Manila, Central Luzon and Cebu.

For more pictures on the event click this link,


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