Saving a Fraction of 3% ,But Pour the Other 97% Down the Drain ?

Naka NELTEX ba Yan ?

neltex logo


May 5, 2013, I have been one of the lucky bloggers who have witnessed a Pinoy brand products of multi PVC pipes that somehow should make us proud of as a Filipino to have a reliable technology that we can depend on. If we would want a stressed free and no clogging and leakages in our homes and buildings as well., NELTEX., 50 years of technology and product development.


The one big investment we all dream of making one day is in a house. When we dream of houses we think in terms of design elements such as balcony’s paint swatches, sky lights, light fixtures, furniture, curtain swatches, home appliances, and nice bathroom fixtures. We don’t often think about the invisible essentials.

One essential that has been overlooked is pipes. In a typical house or buildings pipes is only accounted for as 3% of the total cost of a construction. Most of your plumbing will never be seen, it will be embedded  on the walls or buried underneath your house, and if your pipes are of poor qualities.such consequences are the water leaks on the walls of your houses which causes the paints to be removed as well, not to mention .the clogged pipes of your lavatories , toilet drainages and toilet bowls the most disgusted of all.


The old paradigm  of constructions uses metal pipes especially on water piping which will last for 15 years but corrosion and rust may be infiltrated with the staple water we used, that’s why PVC pipes was reinvented..Same with electric lines installed,  in the long run metal pipes cause frictions of strip cables which may be peel off during the installation but for a long period may melt down due to heat and may cause fire on the said homes or establishments. And in the final assessments of the fire brigade they will consider it as faulty electrical wiring.Well in fact those metal based pipes used for electrical are one of the problem why fire has begun. Thanks to PVC pipes which paves the way to at least decrease some of the problems that metal has brought.

house leakage

Now the trouble is with most of the substandard pipes is that in order to drive the cost down, they used substandard materials most often calcium carbonate or “APOG”  instead of PVC. Pipes such as this are brittle and will often chip and break even before they get to a job-site. That’s why if ever and  whenever they do get installed they are extremely prone to leaking and even clogging due to pressures , heat or cold weather conditions and including their wear and tear time frames.

Repairing leaking or damaged pipes and the damage they cause can be and is often more expensive than building the damaged portion from the scratch. More often that that, even without minor leaks more damage needs to be done before the problem is solved. Plumbers will have to smashed through the walls or floors to get the damaged pipe or pipes, and they need to replaced them and repaired the damage they caused to get to the pipe in the first place.

neltex prod

That is why those who knows the real issue of the problems will demand nothing less than Neltex. NELTEX  is now and has been the undisputed leader in PVC pipes in the Philippines for over 50 years, PVC pipes are the gold standard in pipes globally. You don’t need to believe this article after just reading it.


This year, Neltex is conducting The HATAW challenge” at all major construction expos and conventions all over the country. Anyone at the Expo’s is invited to be a PALO-er (HITTER) of the PVC 4” diameter pipe. As a PALO-er you are given a chance to hit thea Neltex Saniguard 600 series pipe with a metal carpentry Hammer.

An incredible video that I have taken as they show us an 8 wheeler truck passed by a 4” diameter 600 series of PVC pipe of NELTEX.

The series 600 is a very thin walled sanitary pipe known as much for being affordable as it is known as very tough. Neltex has invited everyone to test the legendary durability of Neltex pipes by visiting the Neltex booth last May 5, 2013 on their 16th Mega Summer Bingo Bonanza. If you may have not the time to visit and check it out yourself , then you can check out the Neltex Hataw challenge at to learn how and why many have become Neltex Palo-ers

This is a video I  took of their 1st time Neltex Challege with us , putting it to  a more stress machine to see the durability of the product

If you are building a home demand nothing less than NELTEX, and if you are  buying a condominium or moving to an existing structure, do yourself a big favor and ask the developer or previous owner “ Naka NELTEX ba yan’ ?


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